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Charity Partners 

Cultural Style Week was birthed to celebrate the diversity within cultures and to encourage people to proudly showcase their unique heritage with others. We want to go further and support those who have been uprooted from their home countries and are proud to partner with Refugee Action and Refugee Education UK, who do amazing things to help people in these circumstances.

Read on to find out more about these amazing charities and how you can help. 

Refugee Action has supported refugees and people seeking asylum since 1981. They believe in humanity and help and support people who've survived some of the world's worst regimes including violence, disaster and persecution. Refugee Action helps those with refugee status to settle into their new homes and communities – everything from helping children into schools, to support booking doctor's appointments, and ensuring they get a hot meal when they arrive. They give expert advice and guidance to those struggling to navigate the failing and unfair asylum system helping them to uphold their human rights and live free from poverty. With Refugee Action beside them, they can build safe, productive lives in the UK.

Refugee Education UK equips young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK to build positive futures by thriving in education. For each of these young people, REUK offers guidance in overcoming the significant barriers to accessing education, supports their achievement of significant education outcomes and helps them use their education to create meaningful futures in leadership and employment. REUK’s flagship education mentoring programme matches young refugees with trained volunteer mentors across London, the East of England, Oxford and Birmingham; their educational wellbeing programme addresses the acute educational and mental health challenges that some young people face. The educational progression programme supports young people looking to access further and higher education, and their training programme upskills practitioners and professionals in supporting young refugees. REUK also conducts research in the UK and internationally on the subject of refugee education.

You can support these charities by adding a fundraising element to your participation!
Some idea suggestions are below. 

Sponsored Participation

Pick a day or wear your cultural clothing across the week of 21-27 May, sharing your pictures online with the #CulturalStyleWeek 

You can ask your networks to sponsor you participation by making a donation.


You can make a direct personal or group donation for participation and gifting to the charities using the link below

Donation Page




If you are planning to hold a Cultural Style Week event, please consider displaying our collection QR codes and/or donating a portion of ticket sales. 

Donation Page

How To Give 

Please give any donations or funds via our 'Donate As You Live' fundraising account.

All funds will be distributed between both charities.  

Please click here or the image below 


Donate Cultural Style Week.png

Pledge Your Support

Please pledge your participation and let us know you will be taking part and we will send you a fundraising pack when ready  


Ready to donate? Please click here

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