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Werk met ons samen om evenementen en activiteiten te organiseren voor de Week van de Culturele Stijl 2023

De in Londen geboren Cultural Style Week-beweging viert visueel diversiteit door mensen aan te moedigen om trots hun unieke culturele erfgoed te laten zien door middel van mode, haar en schoonheid van 21-27 mei.


Het is die ene week in het jaar waarin we mensen van alle achtergronden aanmoedigen om samen te komen en hun erfgoed te dragen! 

Sinds onze spectaculaire lancering in mei 2022 zijn we van kracht tot kracht gegroeid!


We zijn zo verheugd dat we het gebruik van het merk Cultural Style Week in licentie kunnen geven aan evenementpartners die ons kunnen helpen het evenementaanbod voor 2023 uit te breiden door:

  • Culturele modeshows

  • Cultureel geïnspireerde mode- en beautymarktplaats / pop-upevenementen

  • Culturele kunsttentoonstellingen en evenementen 

  • Culturele modegesprekken, masterclasses, workshops en meer - de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos. 

U kunt zich ook aanmelden voor bijzondere haar- en schoonheidsbehandelingen,nationale verkleedpartijen en clubavonden, restaurantarrangementen en meer op onze evenementenpagina!

Interesse om eventpartner te worden? Registreer vandaag nog uw interesse! 

Geen idee is te groot of te klein! Doe mee en laten we van de Week van de Culturele Stijl 2023 een onvergetelijk evenement maken!

Vul hieronder uw gegevens in en we nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met u op.  

10Februari 2023  Persoonlijke evenementen en activiteiten voor meer dan 50 personen (gratis en met ticket)
25 februari 2023 Persoonlijke evenementen en activiteiten voor minder dan 50 personen (gratis en met ticket)
30 maart 2023 Virtuele evenementen, speciale aanbiedingen, haar- en schoonheidsbehandelingen, nationale verkleedpartijen en clubavonden, thema-evenementen in restaurants/bars

Als je een evenement niet kunt geven, maar wel deel wilt uitmaken van een evenement van de Culturele Stijlweek, registreer dan je interesse op desamenwerking paginaen we zullen u laten weten wanneer zich relevante kansen voordoen.


  • What types of events or offers can I submit?
    We welcome cultural fashion shows, art exhibitions, workshops, webinars, beauty services, national dress parties, restaurant packages, and more. Any activity that celebrates cultural diversity and self-expression is encouraged.
  • Will there be any copyright issues for using the logo?
    The Cultural Style Week brand is trademarked. While we encourage you to create your own events and marketing materials, it’s essential to obtain our consent before publicising any public events using the Cultural Style Week logo. This ensures all events align with our ethos.
  • Can you support funding applications for my event?
    While Cultural Style Week does not provide funding directly, we can provide a letter of support or confirmation that your event aligns with the week’s ethos. This may strengthen your application for external funding. Please contact us at . We also encourage exploring partnerships with local businesses, community groups, or cultural organisations for collaboration or sponsorship opportunities.
  • What is Cultural Style Week?
    Cultural Style Week is an annual global event celebrating cultural diversity through fashion, hair, beauty, and self-expression. Held from 21–27 May, it aligns with UNESCO’s World Day for Cultural Diversity and invites individuals and organisations to showcase cultural pride.
  • What happens after I submit my event?
    Our team will review the information you provide. If your submission meets our criteria, we will approve it or contact you for additional details if necessary.
  • Is there a cost to participate?
    Participation is free. However, all event-related costs are the responsibility of the organiser.
  • Can my event make a profit?
    Yes, your event can be designed to generate profit. Cultural Style Week supports creative and entrepreneurial initiatives that celebrate cultural diversity and heritage. However, large scale commercial ventures may be subject to a licensing agreement.
  • Will Cultural Style Week fund my event and cover all expenses?
    As all events are independently organised, Cultural Style Week is unable to fund your event or cover expenses. However, as resources become available, we may offer support for select events or initiatives at our discretion. Where possible, we are happy to assist with funding applications or collaborative sponsorship proposals for events and activities that align with our mission and have been provisionally approved.
  • Where can I view the full terms and conditions?
    You can view the full terms and conditions at the bottom of this page.
  • Do I need to include a disclaimer in my marketing?
    Once your event is approved, we will provide detailed guidelines. These may include a requirement to include the following disclaimer on all promotional and ticketing materials: "This is an independent event, not an official Cultural Style Week event." "Cultural Style Week is not liable for any issues, disputes, or claims arising from this event."
  • Can I use the Cultural Style Week logo?
    Yes, approved participants can use the logo for event promotions, but only after obtaining consent and adhering to our branding guidelines.
  • How will my event or offer be promoted?
    Approved submissions will be featured on the official Cultural Style Week calendar and may also be highlighted in our social media posts and email campaigns. Additional marketing support may be available for a fee.
  • How long will it take to hear back/receive approval?
    We aim to respond to all submissions within 5-10 working days.
  • Who can participate?
    Anyone can join!, anywhere in the world! From community groups and schools to creative organisations, businesses, and individuals, we welcome participants from all backgrounds.
  • How will the photo and video content be used?
    All photo and video content will be used for Cultural Style Week promotions.
  • What is Cultural Style Week?
    Cultural Style Week is a dynamic movement that celebrates cultural beauty through fashion. It invites people worldwide to proudly embrace their cultural heritage and share their expressions using the hashtag #CulturalStyleWeek from May 21 to 27 each year.
  • What do participants need to bring for the video shoot?
    Participants are required to provide their own clothing for the photo and video shoot.
  • Is participation in the video project paid?
    Participants will not be paid for taking part.
  • What is the ‘My Cultural Style’ project?
    'My Cultural Style' projects feature a diverse group of inspirational people from all walks of life talking about the beauty of their cultural heritage and why it's important to them.
  • Who is eligible to apply to take part?
    Applications are open to people from all backgrounds. Applicants must be 18 or over and able to attend a video shoot in London, UK.
  • Where can I see previous videos?
  • What happens on the day of the shoot?
    Participants will be photographed and filmed. During filming, they will be asked questions about their cultural clothing and how they feel when they wear it.
  • What happens on the day of the shoot?
    Participants will be photographed and filmed. During filming, they will be asked questions about their cultural clothing and how they feel when they wear it.
  • Is participation in the video project paid?
    Participants will not be paid for taking part.
  • What do participants need to bring for the video shoot?
    Participants are required to provide their own clothing for the photo and video shoot.
  • Where can I see previous videos?
  • Is the videography venue accessible for people with disabilities?
    Yes, it can be. Please make your accessibility requirements known if shortlisted.
  • What is the ‘My Cultural Style’ project?
    'My Cultural Style' projects feature a diverse group of inspirational people from all walks of life talking about the beauty of their cultural heritage and why it's important to them.
  • Who is eligible to apply to take part?
    Applications are open to staff, students, and alumni of the University of Westminster.
  • How will the photo and video content be used?
    All photo and video content will be used for Cultural Style Week promotions.
  • What is Cultural Style Week?
    Cultural Style Week is a dynamic movement that celebrates cultural beauty through fashion. It invites people worldwide to proudly embrace their cultural heritage and share their expressions using the hashtag #CulturalStyleWeek from May 21 to 27 each year.
  • Kan ik sponsors benaderen om mijn evenement te sponsoren?
    U kunt organisaties niet benaderen voor sponsoring zonder onze toestemming en goedkeuring. Formule aanvragen voor sponsoring moeten worden ingediend bij (of in samenwerking met) de Culturele Stijlweek.
  • Mag ik entreegeld vragen voor mijn evenement?
    Ja, u kunt een goedgekeurd inschrijfgeld vragen voor uw evenement.
  • Welke ondersteuning biedt de Week van de Culturele Stijl voor partners die evenementen leveren?
    We kunnen waar mogelijk planning en marketingondersteuning bieden voor overeengekomen evenementen. Elke applicatie is uniek en het ondersteuningsniveau is afhankelijk van de geldende werkovereenkomst.
  • Kan ik tijdens mijn evenement geld inzamelen voor het goede doel?
    Cultural Style Week heeft officiële liefdadigheidspartners en u bent van harte welkom om tijdens uw evenement geld in te zamelen voor een van die goede doelen. We kunnen niet toestaan dat evenementpartners het merk Cultural Style Week gebruiken om geld in te zamelen voor andere goede doelen.
  • Wat is uw bevestigingsproces voor evenementen?
    Het onderstaande proces schetst het traject van het eerste contact tot de levering en beoordeling van het evenement voor evenementpartners die evenementen en activiteiten zullen leveren. Fase 1 - Interesse tonen - We ontvangen uw eerste aanvraag via de webpagina van onze evenementpartners en bekijken de details. Fase 2 - Evenementbeoordeling - Zodra je de tijd hebt gehad om de veelgestelde vragen te bekijken en eventuele verdere vragen te stellen, moet je het online 'evenementbeoordeling'-formulier invullen met gedetailleerde informatie over de locatie van het evenement, de exacte datum en timing. U kunt ook eventuele vragen of vragen insturen voordat u het formulier invult. Fase 3 - Beoordelingsvergadering - Als uw voorstel wordt geaccepteerd, zult u een ontmoeting hebben met ons beoordelingspanel en/of oprichter om het idee in meer detail te bespreken vóór de contract wordt opgesteld en ondertekend. Fase 4 - Planning en promotie van evenementen - Er wordt begonnen met het plannen en promoten van het evenement. Fase 5 - Evenementlevering - Het evenement wordt gehouden als onderdeel van de Culturele Stijlweek. Fase 6 - Beoordeling van het evenement - Na het evenement zullen we de algehele levering beoordelen en eventuele openstaande escrow-fondsen worden vrijgegeven. Er komt een apart proces voor speciale aanbiedingen.
  • Moet ik in het VK gevestigd zijn?
    Nee, u hoeft niet in het VK gevestigd te zijn.
  • Ik kan zelf geen evenement verzorgen, maar ik wil graag deelnemen aan een evenement van de Culturele Stijlweek?
    Gelieve uw interesse te registreren op de samenwerkingspagina en we zullen u laten weten wanneer zich relevante kansen voordoen.
  • Zal de Culturele Stijlweek mijn evenement financieren en alle onkosten dekken?
    We hebben geen evenementpartnerfonds of onkostenbudget. Naarmate er fondsen beschikbaar komen, kunnen we naar eigen goeddunken proberen sommige evenementen en initiatieven te ondersteunen. Waar mogelijk zullen we proberen om financieringsaanvragen te ondersteunen of ons aan te sluiten bij sponsorvoorstellen voor evenementen en activiteiten die voorlopig zijn goedgekeurd.
  • Als ik deel uitmaak van een school, gemeenschapsgroep of non-profitorganisatie, moet ik mijn evenement dan registreren?
    Als uw evenement intern is en niet toegankelijk is voor leden van het publiek, hoeft u uw evenement of activiteit niet te registreren. We willen het toch graag weten, zodat we je kunnen aanmoedigen. U kunt uw deelname hier beloven:
  • Hoeveel bedragen de evenementlicentiekosten van de evenementpartner?
    De prijs is afhankelijk van de omvang van het evenement en de verwachte winst.
  • Helpt de Culturele Stijlweek bij het promoten van mijn evenement?
    Ja, we vermelden goedgekeurde evenementen op de website en promoten ze naast andere evenementen van de Culturele Stijlweek.
  • Is participation in the exhibition paid?
    Participants will not be paid for taking part, but they can claim travel expenses.
  • How will the photo and video content be used?
    All photo and video content will be used for the exhibition and Cultural Style Week promotions.
  • Can individuals aged 18 and under participate?
    Yes, individuals aged 18 and under can participate with consent from a legal guardian or parent. A guardian must be present on the day.
  • Who is eligible to apply for the My Cultural Style exhibition?
    Applications are open to individuals who live, work, or study in the London Borough of Haringey.
  • What happens on the day of the shoot?
    Participants will be photographed and filmed. During filming, they will be asked questions about their cultural clothing and how they feel when they wear it.
  • What is Cultural Style Week?
    Cultural Style Week is a dynamic movement that celebrates cultural beauty through fashion. It invites people worldwide to proudly embrace their cultural heritage and share their expressions using the hashtag #CulturalStyleWeek from May 21 to 27 each year.
  • Will all participants be filmed?
    No, while all participants will be photographed, not all will be filmed.
  • What do participants need to bring for the photo and video shoot?
    Participants are required to provide their own clothing for the photo and video shoot.
  • When will the exhibition take place?
    The exhibition will be up from April to June.
  • Is the venue accessible for people with disabilities?
    Yes, the shopping mall and studio are fully accessible for people with disabilities.
  • What is the London Borough of Haringey?
    The London Borough of Haringey is located in north London, created in 1965 by the amalgamation of three former boroughs. It shares borders with six other London boroughs.
  • Where is The Mall Wood Green located?
    The Mall Wood Green is a large shopping center and residential complex in Wood Green, north London.
FAQs Evcent submissions

Terms and Conditions Event Submission For Cultural Style Week 2025 1. Purpose and Eligibility 1.1. Cultural Style Week aims to celebrate cultural diversity and self-expression through fashion, hair, beauty, and creativity. 1.2. Participation is open to individuals, community groups, organisations, schools, and businesses that align with the mission of Cultural Style Week. 1.3. All events and activities must celebrate cultural heritage, diversity, or creativity. 2. Independent Event Status 2.1. All events submitted to the Cultural Style Week calendar are independent. Participation does not imply endorsement or funding by Cultural Style Week. 2.2. Event organisers must clearly state the independence of their events in all marketing, ticketing, and registration materials. This includes the disclaimers: - "This is an independent event, not an official Cultural Style Week event." - "Cultural Style Week is not liable for any issues, disputes, or claims arising from this event." 2.3. Recruitment and registration for designers, performers, models, and other creatives must clearly communicate that the event is an independent celebration of Cultural Style Week. 3. Event Approval Process 3.1. All events must be submitted via the official Cultural Style Week submission form. 3.2. Events are subject to review and approval to ensure alignment with the ethos of Cultural Style Week. 3.3. Cultural Style Week reserves the right to request additional information or make suggestions for event alignment before approval. 4. Use of Branding and Logos 4.1. The Cultural Style Week name and logo are trademarked and may only be used with prior written consent. 4.2. Approved use of the logo is subject to compliance with provided branding guidelines. 5. Financial Responsibilities and Licensing 5.1. All costs associated with organising events, including venue hire, permits, and insurance, are the responsibility of the event organiser. 5.2. Cultural Style Week does not guarantee funding but may, at its discretion, provide support for select events or initiatives. 5.3. Where resources permit, Cultural Style Week may assist with funding applications or joint sponsorship proposals for provisionally approved events. 5.4. Large-scale commercial ventures or high-profit events may be subject to an additional licensing fee. Fees will be determined during the approval process based on attendee numbers, ticket prices, and projected revenue. 6. Insurance and Risk Management 6.1. Event organisers are solely responsible for obtaining public liability insurance and conducting appropriate risk assessments for their events. 6.2. Cultural Style Week will not provide insurance or risk assessments for independent events. 6.3. By participating, organisers acknowledge and agree that Cultural Style Week is not liable for any accidents, damages, or disputes arising from their events. 7. Liability and Indemnity 7.1. Cultural Style Week shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, injuries, or disputes that occur during, before, or after independently organised events. 7.2. Event organisers agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cultural Style Week from any claims, liabilities, or legal actions arising from their events. 8. Visa Support 8.1. Cultural Style Week cannot assist with visa support letters for event or project participants unless the event is being delivered directly in partnership with Cultural Style Week. 9. Sustainability Commitment 9.1. Event organisers are encouraged to adopt eco-friendly practices, such as reducing waste, supporting local suppliers, and minimising their event’s environmental impact. 10. Code of Conduct 10.1. All events must promote cultural diversity and respect for all communities. Discrimination, harassment, or harmful behaviour is strictly prohibited. 11. Event Monitoring and Reporting 11.1. Organisers of large-scale events may be required to provide a post-event report, including attendee numbers and feedback, to help evaluate the event’s impact and the success of Cultural Style Week initiatives. 12. Promotion and Marketing 12.1. Approved events will be featured on the official Cultural Style Week calendar. 12.2. Cultural Style Week may highlight selected events through social media and email campaigns. 12.3. Event organisers must include disclaimers in all marketing materials to avoid any implication that the event is officially hosted by Cultural Style Week. 13. Changes and Cancellations 13.1. Participants must notify Cultural Style Week of any changes or cancellations to approved events promptly. 13.2. Cultural Style Week reserves the right to withdraw event approval if changes misalign with its ethos. 14. Data Protection 14.1. By submitting an event, participants consent to their information being used for event promotion and communication in accordance with Cultural Style Week’s privacy policy.

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